About Us

Who we are

Online dating has changed the way people around the world make personal connections, meet one another, search for and find others to share their lives with. The ongoing success of internet dating platforms has given way to a constantly increasing number of dating sites, covering a wide range of ages, interests, backgrounds and goals. It has now become evident that a comprehensive, honest comparison website is needed for daters who are looking for the right website for their needs.
That's why we created www.onlinedating-reviews.com

Why we are different

www.onlinedating-reviews.com is a online dating site review and comparison platform with a difference: we pride ourselves on providing honest, detailed reviews of the leading dating platforms, and making them available to you for absolutely no charge.
Our team of internet dating experts has signed up for, used and enjoyed all the sites featured on www.onlinedating-reviews.com, and they've come back with extensive information to share online. Anything you want to know – from pricing charts to online tools, ease of use to site design – it's all here.

What's in it for us

To offset the costs of maintaining this site, some links on our site are connected to affiliate ecosystems. Our reviews, nonetheless, offer honest and unbiased testimonials by users like you. We strive to contribute our experience and professional opinion as individuals with years of experience in online dating. In addition to our rankings, ratings and reviews, we also provide visitors a one-of-a-kind comparison tool, to truly help you assess the differences and similarities between the service providers featured on our site.

Our Editor

Claire Miller
Claire is a Editor and contributor at www.onlinedating-reviews.com. As a Branding Manager for several dating and lifestyle platforms, Claire has researched the Internet Dating industry from the private users' standpoint, focusing on their interests and highlighting the most important aspects of every dating site. To get in touch with Claire, email her at [email protected].

Got feedback? Contact Us

We always welcome feedback, questions and general inquiries. Feel free to keep in touch with our entire team at [email protected]